One quiet Saturday in June the studio was filled with a crowd that was in equal parts fashionable and eco-conscious who were all here to shop the wardrobe of Emily J Bull and Hannah Twists’s We Luv Pre Love. Emily is a stylist and personal shopper that has grown a loyal following on her Instagram through sharing her everyday styling ideas, and has now turned her mission to trying to consume more ethically. We Luv Pre Love is run by Hannah who is another influencer that has turned her focus onto reselling and sustainability. 

Sustainable shopping event in our studio

Image left / Image right: Space Liverpool

Sustainable shopping event

Image top / image bottom: Space by Liquid

When Emily approached us about this event we started researching the impact of fast fashion on the modern world and we were appalled by the results to say the least. Environmentally, the over production and consumption of plastic based materials has been detrimental to the increase in global warming. It is estimated that the “fashion industry is responsible for 8% of carbon emissions” (UN Environment, 2019), emissions which are destroying the planet in a way that will become irreversible if we don’t make a change soon. 

As well as carbon emissions, fast fashion also contributes greatly to global pollution, with an estimated 3 out of 5 fast fashion items ending up in landfills globally, every year. Whilst the microplastics commonly found in clothes contribute to around 30% of microplastic flows in the oceans (2020), a number that has probably increased since lockdown. A fact that is equally worrying is that many of the dyes and solvents used in clothing production are dumped in local water sources, polluting waters in countries that are already struggling economically, this leads to illnesses and an even greater gap between developing and “developed” countries.

Sustainable Shopping Event in Space Liverpool

Image: Space by Liquid

Image: Space Liverpool

As if environmental impact was enough to make us want to start making our own clothes, we then started researching the workers that are affected by this exploitative industry. We were horrified to find that Fashion Checker conducted a study in 2020 that found that “93% of brands… aren’t paying garment workers a living wage” (Fashion Checker, 2020), with many workers forced to work 7 days a week with 12-14 hour days every day and little to no pay for overtime. Many of the working conditions are also incredibly unsafe, the factories have no ventilation and are often built in a hurry making them unfit for purpose. This means the workers are left with respiratory problems and injuries whilst there have even been fatalities in recent years. Many reports also state that if factory owners are found to be exploiting their employees they will move to a factory in another area that has less workers rights instead of changing their policies. 

So what does this mean for us as consumers? And can we really make an impact? Well the short answer is yes! Participating in events like the one we hosted with Emily is a start (there are more coming up this year so make sure you’re signed up to our newsletter). These events ensure that you get new pieces for your wardrobe without adding any more to your carbon footprint, and ensure that we slow down the relentless pollution of the planet. 

Other ways you can live and dress more sustainably:

Use old t-shirts as rags for cleaning 

Organise a clothes swap with friends 

Subscribing to blogs like good on you and Clean Clothes Campaign will help you make informed fashion decisions 

Air dry clothes where possible 

Shop second hand

For important events you can use apps like Hurr and Loanhood to rent clothes and accessories instead of buying new 

Invest in a staple wardrobe with items you can mix and match

Sustainable shopping event in Space Liverpool

Image: Space Liverpool

Image: Space by Liquid

At Space we’ve started making steps towards a more environmentally conscious future. The most striking realisation was that we were wasting so much plastic with bottles you couldn’t recycle, so we have swapped these pollutants for fully recyclable cans. We are also making an effort to shop and work with local businesses so there is less environmental impact. Our signature Space scent is created by To The Moon in Crosby and hand delivered by Jess to the studio. We also work with primarily Liverpool based businesses, reuse and recycle everything humanly possible, bulk-buy natural and biodegradable cleaning products and have invested in low-energy and second hand lighting equipment where possible, but we know we can do more. 

Space’s aim over the next 12 months is to align ourselves with brands and businesses that share our desire for net-zero carbon, so if you’ve got any tips or would like to work with us on our sustainability mission please get in touch.