Selfridges London Launches SUPERMARKET

Selfridges have launched a genius pop-up concept that hopes to explore avenues of food and fashion that are kinder to the planet.

Any business that is striving for longevity will be looking for ways to achieve a more sustainable future and the Selfridges SUPERMARKET in London does this with bells on.

With 3D-printing robots on hand to actualize your desires, whether that be a juicy plant-based steak, furniture made from recycled plastic, or lightweight handbags, the SUPERMARKET hopes to slow down the seemingly never ending rush of consumerism.

Selfridges have partnered with brands such as Parley for the Oceans and Space Available that are developing scientific solutions to the hazardous diamond and leather industries, as well as launching new ownership concepts with alternative jewellery pricing models.

There will also be exclusive NFT digital artworks available to purchase in store which is a big step for a market-leading retailer. Could this be the beginning of high fashion NFTs?

We're incredibly conscious as a new business that we have to take steps towards more environmentally ethical practices. With huge companies from Asda to Patagonia trying to reduce their environmental impact we know here at Space we can do better. One of the biggest issues we are currently facing is the amount of plastic waste after a shoot, especially one with a big team. The team are looking into water fountains and reusable branded water bottles but we know we can do more, we're looking into sustainable ways to build and dress sets, how to keep our energy usage to a minimum, and always try to use local creatives to run the shoots.

If you have any suggestions on how to run a more ethical business then please send them over to

To read more about Selfridges' Shop The Future project click the link here.